Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Thursday 12 July 2007

Death of an old friend

'Tis a long time since we've been beforehand with the world. For some years now we've coped with a state of being other than awash with money.

This year's reward from our local supermarket arrived about a month ago now, over £100 that we agreed should be put aside against Christmas spending or some emergency.

Being feckless and wasteful he's spent the lot. The last of the money went yesterday. He had to spend it yesterday because he'd spent the month's pay with days still to go before the next wodge arrives.

There was something poetic about the timing of the death of our dear beloved (much used) microwave oven. Another item added to the list of unaffordable expenditures after New Loo and New Vac.


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