Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Saturday 14 July 2007

How stupid is this?

He can't get his act together enough to fix the handle on the toilet or the overflow leak from the water tank in the loft that threatens to undermine not only our house but the one next door. The neighbors are probably hoping we won't ever fix it so that the can sue us into financial oblivion.

He has the attention span of gnat. He picks things up and puts them down without a care for who might trip over the detritus of his life.

Now he wants an allotment (again, sigh). We've been here before. We had one ten years ago, then moved here so had to leave it behind. We took one here but I couldn't do it all on my own so it had to go. Now a mate of his has had a successful first year as an allotment holder and so the Great Nitwit is all fired up.


Too much to hope he'll set about this in an orderly fashion or demonstrate real commitment. This novelty will be clapped out before the first shoots of next season's crop appear.

Heavy sigh.

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