Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Monday, 16 July 2007

A Rose by any other name

Why does he smell so awful? He pumps out a smell that is way beyond stale unwashed. I wouldn't mind except that he does it in my home, under my roof where it seems to get trapped. He broke a pane in the window of the room he sleeps in (you though? you actually thought? HA!) so the explanation for the stench isn't entirely down to a lack of adequate ventilation. When I get up in the morning I open the door to encourage a bit of through put and circulation but that only results in the Odour De Bastard drifting about halfway down the stairs over the course of the day. That means everytime I go up to the bathroom I have to pass through a wall of stink. This reek is like an invisible amorphous mass, somehow alive and malign. Then he gets home, gathers it up and takes it back into his room. He is Dr Frankenstein and the pong is his Monster.


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