Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Wednesday 29 August 2007

Community Service Awards

I imagine no-one gives a bugger but I'm going to do it anyway; I'm going to dish out a handful of well deserved community service awards. This was to have been a longer post, but I haven't time. Lucky aren't you?

Californication sounds like total tosh (and so will probably go on to win other awards). To its producers and to Network Ten which is screening it in Australia my heartiest thanks for your sterling work which has managed to upset the United God Botherers Brigade (Down Under Branch). This fruit loop fringe is otherwise known as the Australian Christian Lobby and they're upset about the sex. They're right about there being too much sex about, of course. If only their parent had never indulged, what a wonderful world this would be.

Crackpots also don't like the fact that there's violence in a program called City HOMICIDE (congratulations to Seven) and that a stand up comedian says Rude Things. Now if they were forced to watch, they might have something to complain about. But forcing us Not To Watch, by driving this stuff from the nation's screens. That's an entirely different matter.

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