Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Sunday 30 September 2007

The Demise of the Pink Palace

Should be doing this in the style of a Death Notice, of course. Ah, well. Live with it.

The gist of the matter, however, is that I've brought down the Pink Palace. The mattress, sleeping bag and pillow case are in the wash, along with oddments of clothing. The books are back on the shelves, the videos, DVDs, games &etc are all in a pile for madam to properly tidy up. Several soft toys have been gathered and deposited on the bed upstairs, a plastic bag has been filled with bits of paper and other detritus of her Summer in Residence. All in all it wasn't too bad which is more than can be said for the bits of the house I can only now reach with duster and vacuum cleaner.

The cat hasn't yet learned the terrible truth. He's been in a foul mood all week anyway so we probably won't notice a mood shift when he does put in an appearance.

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