Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Thursday 22 November 2007

Long overdue

I haven't shared a Yoda Moment for some time because, by happy chance our paths have crossed only very infrequently recently.

Yesterday she was on fine form. She loves Christmas and she seems to derive particular enjoyment from running the Secret Santa rigmarole that is undertaken each 'festive season'. As a concept Secret Santa was unfamiliar until I worked in The City and there it was a thing done within teams. There was a £5 limit and the idea was to buy a token and therefore meaningful gift.

In this place the management and admin support are the team and the limit is £20, which is up £5 on last year. I refused to participate last year and I've refused to take part this year: knowing my luck I would draw Yoda.

Having spurned the chance to take part I'm now prey to mixed feelings. On the one hand I'm not bitter at having to spend that much money on someone I detest. On the other I've deprived myself of the joy of knowing I'd slipped a crisp £20 note in her envelope; something which she would hate because she loves presents while also leaving her unable to drop poisonous questions as to the value of her gift.

And if she just once more in my presence points out to everyone else there that I'm the one mean-spirited person who isn't getting involved I shall tell her to take my ticket to the staff Christmas dinner (which I'm already dreading in case I end up near her) and ram it up her arse.

I hate Christmas and I don't need help from Yoda to do it.

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