You've almost got to feel sorry for Kevin Rudd and his happy band of newly minted cabinet ministers still in awe of their big desks, squeaky chairs and shiny titles.
Hardly have they drawn breath and the nitpickers are out in droves; and they're making fun of the fact that Peter Garret has the job title but Swann has all the responsibility for the Environment and the general bottling on the green agenda, but the cracks are already showing in other areas and any hopes Kev might have held for a honeymoon of any length are fading fast.
And this is all Kev's fault.
Johnny might not have had any meaningful insight into the reasons the ingrates turfed him out on his arse, but equally it seems Kev doesn't much seem to understand why he know has the keys to the Kingdom.
Empty gestures of the protocol signing / troop withdrawal pledge variety are no substitute for meaningful change and an embittered electorate will not be long in smelling the rat with its feet under the PMs desk.
The electorate not only wanted something else, they wanted something different and inherently better.
Instead we've got another bloke in a suit in thrall to the Christmas Pudding Party and those of their ilk: Yesterday, the powerful Australian Christian Lobby warned "federal Labor would … not want to be seen to break an article of faith with the Christian constituency so soon after winning office". Federal Labour might not, but the rest of us are positively wriggling with excitement in anticipation of the happy day.
These people (the fruit loop legion) believe that though they have never submitted themselves and their manifesto to the public scrutiny of a plebiscite they yet have some mandate to wield an (un-mandated) veto over elected bodies.
And so, because Rudd is another Chicken Shit in the Howard mold, no doubt soon to be found licking the arse of the Elect Vessel of the Exclusive Brethren and other deeply peculiar people, the ACT Government is in for a round of wholly outrageous interference from outside as it steps up its struggle to implement Civil Unions for same sex couples.
Who the fuck gets to vote for the ACT government and can't they quietly dispatch some of these cowardly lick spittles of the fundamentalist hue. Howard for Rudd, McClelland for Ruddock. Some change, let alone improvement.
Here's a question for the straight married members of the new cabinet: Would you be satisfied if your relationship were cloaked only in the ornamentation and protections to be offered by this new fangled register system you are holding out as a sop? And if so, if it is good enough, what purpose then does the existing arrangement for civil registration serve? And if not, please explain why you then believe it good enough for poofs and lesos.
Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible
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