Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Sunday 29 July 2007

Seasonal Loose End Activities (Part 3)

The offspring and her El Cheapo tent are still an item. It is a dome tent. It came in a box together with a bag of pegs a square of nylon to lace over the ventilation webbing at its summit, a roll mat a sleeping bag and an air pillow. Not a bad buy for £4.99.

Except one of the two rods has now given way under the stress of Holding the Dome Tent Up, and the cat has now shredded the roll mat. It (the cat) did this in a fit of pique it seems when the offspring inadvertently rolled back onto it in her sleep, thereby trespassing on the cat's domain. Now that the roll mat is in several pieces he has reverted to kipping in the neighbors garden.

Good riddance and here's hoping he stays there. Little shit bag. That camping set was expensive - for something we hoped would at least be durable enough to last the summer holidays pitched in the living room.

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