Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Friday 24 August 2007


I used to think of Alexander Downer as one of Little Johnnie Howard's more benign dribblers, but no longer. Sandy's vision of democracy is one wherein the truth is what Wee Johnnie and his merry men say it is, end of argument. Anything contrary to their wisdom isn't wrong, it is anti-democratic, or odd or weird or ... damn it ... I had intended to garner the adjectives Downer actually used in his petty, nasty anti-Wikipedia tirade as reported in an article on the Age web site. But bugger me if it hasn't gone. Already. That's slick.

Still, there's always Federal Ageing Minister Christopher Pyne. Not someone I know or want to know. In fact someone so singularly unimportant I cannot recall ever having heard of him before. I suppose his mother thinks his political career's going great guns with a Job Title Like That. Pyne's waded into a very minor imbroglio yet again involving an unnamed football club and two of its unidentified players who've done something unspecified. Boy does this stuff get the juices flowing. A television program said something about the club and players and an injunction's been obtained so that what was reported can't be repeated which is why the Age version is so, um, like, thin.

Well Pyne is apparently "very disappointed for the players, the families and the AFL." The Age story goes on to quote Pyne as saying: "It's always sad for individuals when revelations like this come to light," he said in a statement."

Yes that is Revelations, not allegations.

It is no fucking wonder I've stopped having nightmares in which I'm trapped in the departures lounge of an airport seething with people, unable to find my way to the right gate and get on a plane home. I don't really want to live in this dystopian creation run by an Elect Vessel who doesn't believe in voting or tertiary education and blah, blah. Too much weirdness causes my brain to shut down and I can never retain the entire litany of stupid things the Brethen believe in. Yes, the EV isn't actually Howard, but that complete fucking fruit cake he's prone to entertaining in the publicly (that's elector) funded Office of the Prime Minister of Australia. People who don't vote or believe in voting have NO PLACE WHATSOEVER in a publicly funded office.

Howard should be done for treason for his betrayal of the public trust and misuse of political office.

And in the meantime the whole fucking cabinet should pull its collective nose out from between the covers of the bible and spend their time instead performing their publicly funded duties.

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