Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Thursday 23 August 2007

Well that's alright then

Saw Paul again yesterday, for the first time he announced he'd be hosting a small soiree for the purpose of consuming large amounts of absinthe.

How frightfully recherche of him, indeed.

He's survived, having done things moderately properly and relatively sensibly. He eschewed the whole flame thing, deeming it imprudent given the convivial but ever so young company he was in.

Now his parents are back and only mildly disappointed in his behaviour and the state of their house. Which just proves how lame he is. Nothing burned, nothing important broken. The vacuum cleaner, unused but also undefiled.

Kids these days! And they're going to be running this country in twenty years time, God help all who remain on board at that time.

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