Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Monday 10 September 2007

Mind your language

Under a MAHLism based oligarchy expressions such as Where Angels Fear to Tread might result in a translation to Butlins-style re-education camp.

Also, it is probably true that the early history of MAHLism can be told, as adherents split into Dawkinsians and Hitchinsians. The outcome is all too predictable, with split after split resulting in a tawdry and diverse range of factions squabbling amongst themselves and becoming enmeshed in a web of arguments over the evidence for the non-existence of God, the number of angels being able to dance on a pin head being zilch, whether early leadership of the Dawkinsian movement had any legitimacy, which scholarly tomes are canonical and which are to be filed in the fiction section or even proscibed (and so forth and so on).

How sad.

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