Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Monday, 19 November 2007

Another ghastly old duffer

One old duffer's been on the radio describing marriage as an act of faith and a statement of trust and a risk demanding 'quite a step' on the part of the two parties to said union. Given all that and the capacity of humans to make an error why then the problem with people having easy access to an escape route?

Another old duffer's about to go on air to lament the decline and fall of 'traditional marriage' if it is made easier for lesbians to create (with assistance) and raise babies.

During the long(ish) course of human history the 'traditional marriage' he harps upon has been a remote fairy tale for the overwhelming majority of people because for most of that time life has been nasty, brutish and short. Those who lived long enough to procreate were the exception rather than the rule, they then had a limited life expectancy and so surviving parents made do and mended.

We've survived that and we'll survive a few lesbians raising children.

One of the above mentioned old duffers is an archbishop. So is the other one.

At least one of them has some life experience to draw upon in pontificating (ahem) and presuming to comment on the normal flawed lives lived by ordinary people. The other is a decrepit celibate who doesn't have the faintest idea what he's talking about.

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