Just add slake lime, then cook for a long as possible

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Several things

This is I suspect the first in a series of posts in which I do my utmost to get myself into deep shit, which is pretty much what I did yesterday and then again today, but forgot to recap on.

First up the Big Swinging Dick was about when I arrived yesterday. There were too many people in the office, including him and Yoda. Actually that was it. And the conversation turned to pay packets when the pay slips arrived via the internal mail. He's re-qualified as a First Aider and receives a supplement. He and Yoda shared a management bonding moment which revolved around how their pay has not risen at the same pace as that of those at the bottom of the food chain who 'enjoy' a pay rate at or very marginally above minimum wage - ie, mugs like me. On and on they joshed. On and on I maintained my grim silence.

"Ew, she's not going to rise to the bait", joshed Big Swinging. "Henny's not saying anything", trilled Yoda. No I'm fucking not. Not for your amusement, anyway. You two are the clowns in this outfit. Entertain yourselves.

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